"HOW CAN YOU KNOW SOMEONE FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR AND NEVER REALLY KNOW THEM ? " I asked myself as I looked at my boyfriend.
He just stared at me, his eyes void of any emotion."HOW CAN YOU LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT ?" I cried. "As though I were a total stranger ! Don't you care ? Don't you care that i'm breaking apart. He looked at me for a long time, then said quietly, I guess "I just don't feel anything anymore" I had to ask the next question, though in my heart I already knew the answer. still, I had to hear hin say it, or I would keep living my life with the hope of an empty dream. "Do you still love me ?" He just looked at me with no expression and said, "NO." Then he walked out the door, numb with pain. The person to whom I had given everything I had, just left me.....alone and pregnant.
The following months passed slowly. Every day was edged with the sharp pain of rejection and the anger and bitterness that followed. Memories of his warm eyes smiling down at of pierced my heart; laughter and love that now lay broken at the bottom of my empty heart. The painful end of our relationship was tearing me apart, and i was filled with dear and loneliness as i looked ahead to the coming months.
"Oh, God," I cried, "what an i going to do ? " Being a mother at the age of seventeen, and raising a child alone frightened me. And placing my baby up for adoption after seeing the miracle of this little life within me was too painful to even think about. I heard so many voices shouting the "easy answer" but abortion would mean the death of my child. I had already witnessed the death of a dream-to see my baby did as well would be too much. Yet to have the life of a lost love growing inside of seemed unbearable. Pressure to have an abortion began coming in on all sides. Family and friends were overcome with grief on my behalf, and felt caption would be the easiest way out of a seemingly hopeless situation.
Watch out for the remaining stories
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