Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Apple iphones 5s and 5c

Apple unveils two new iPhones the 5S and 5C

Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks during Tuesday's iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C event at the Apple campus in Cupertino, California.


Apple rolls out two new iPhones
The iPhone 5S and The iPhone 5C which will be less expensive.
For the first time ever, Apple unveiled two new iPhones on Tuesday, a traditional upgrade of its iPhone 5 as well as a simpler, cheaper version.
Apple CEO Tim Cook said the iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C are a reaction to a changing smartphone market.
"Business has become so large that this year we are going to replace the iPhone 5 and we're going to replace it with not one, but two new designs," Cook said. "This allows us to serve even more customers."
The iPhone 5C was the first phone demoed at Tuesday's event at Apple's Cupertino, California, headquarters.
the low-cost iPhone, dubbed the iPhone 5C. Starting at $99, Apple says the iPhone 5C features the same technology that’s in the iPhone 5 but will be available in various colors. Users will also see a higher capacity battery, so you should get better endurance.
The iPhone 5C features are:
8-megapixel camera
Apple’s A6 chip
4-inch Retina display.
A hard-coated polycarbonate material.
The phone will be available in five different color options including green, whiteblue, red and yellow.
Apple’s low-cost iPhone certainly isn’t the first smartphone to go the colorful polycarbonate route. The Nokia Lumia line started this trend a while ago. However, Apple claims that the iPhone 5C’s design is as seamless as it is solid.
The 16GB version will cost $99 on a two-year contract, while the 32GB edition will sell for $199 on contract.

A likely candidate could be the company's anticipated "iWatch." Apple is all but certain to join the emerging smartwatch market that Samsung entered last week with its Galaxy Gear device.
Also, Apple has also long been rumored to be working on a TV set.

Monday, August 19, 2013


Product Description

Here is what you will learn inside this guide:
  • The way to place a bet
  • How to figure out odds
  • How to avoid losing bets
  • Tips on betting on football and other sports
  • Sure fire winning techniques when sports betting.

Friday, August 16, 2013


How do I create a subscription form for my site?  
This document covers the basics of setting up a new List Wire subscription form. This might look like a lot of steps, but it actually very simple, and I'm just being hyper detailed about my explanation. Note that after each step you may need to wait for the next page to load.

Also note that each field name on the page can be clicked to open a help box directly on the page that will give you details the setting.

Lets get started...listwire

Step 1: Follow 'prospects->subscription form' from the main menu at the top of the page. This can be done by hovering your mouse over the 'prospects' tab in the menu and then following the mouse so it hovers over 'subscription form'.

Step 2: Locate and click 'Click here to add a web form'

Step 3: Take a brief moment to know what you're looking at. You'll notice a form on the page with some settings and two tabs (options and content). This is a dynamic form and will change slightly based on the options you pick. However, we'll go over the basics below.

Step 4: Fill in the 'Form Name' setting. This can be anything you wish, and is not seen by others. This is only for you to identify your form later for editing. If this field is left blank, then it will default to 'No name'.

Step 5: Select a 'Form Type'. For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to focus on the 'Inline' form type. This means we're going to create a form that is placed directly into your web page. Note however, that there are several options here. Each has slightly different options to be set. However, all of them follow the same basics as the 'Inline' form.

REMEMBER: We're using the form type 'Inline' for this example. If you selected a different form type, the next steps will likely be slightly different.listwire
Step 6: Fill in the 'Form Redirect URL' setting. This is the URL (link) of where a prospect filling out your form will be redirected to after they successfully fill out your form. This can be any URL your wish. However, we recommend you use a simple "Thank You" page that confirms what the prospect just did (Fill out your subscription form). Make sure you place the 'http://' before your URL. This setting is required, and if it's failed to be filled in, the subscription form will error and not let you continue.

Step 7: Fill in the 'Tracking Code' setting. This field allows you to set an option tracking code that may be helpful in determining where new subscribers are coming from in the event that you are accepting subscriptions to one autoresponder, from multiple locations. For example, if you have a subscription form on your website's home page, and a different subscription form on your website's blog, you could set the tracking value of one to "home" and the other to 'blog' to determine which page is generating more subscriptions. This field can be any word or number set you wish.

Step 8: You might notice that there are a couple (or several) other settings on this page. For the purposes of this tutorial we're going to skip these, as they are specific to the type of form you're looking to create. We have '(recommended)' values for these settings, and in most cases those settings should be what you're looking to do. Remember you can click the field name to get more information about these settings.

Step 9: Locate the 'Next Step' button. This will bring your the the 'Content' tab and will allow you to edit how your form will look.

Step 10: The 'content' tab will allow you to customize the look of your form. This is a simple editor that will allow you to manipulate your form without having to know any HTML. A basic form is already setup for you by default. This is the form we're going to use. If you wish to change the form you can do so now if you wish. The editor will let you dynamically switch positions of inputs, add or remove inputs. Edit top and bottom text. And many other things. The idea is to get a form that matches the look and feel of your site.

Step 11: Locate the 'Live Preview' section. Click the link to view your subscription form. This will pop up a box and show you exactly how your form will look when viewed by your subscribers.

Step 12: Locate and click 'Save my Form'. This will save the settings you've made thus far. You're almost done!

Step 13: If there were no errors you'll be directed to a list of created subscription forms. If this is your first form (and it probably is) you should notice one entry under 'Subscription Form Name'. This should be the same form name as you defined in Step 4. Take a second to notice the 'Subscription Form Actions' in this list. These actions will apply the action clicked to the form.

Step 14: Locate and click 'get code' from the 'Subscription Form Actions' column. This will popup a box that will show you the HTML code needed to put this subscription form on your web site. There will be two boxes of code in this popup. One is a javascript version, and the other is the raw HTML version. Both versions will create the same subscription form and only one need be used on your site. Both version have pros and cons. The advantage of the javascript version is that if you edit your form in our editor, changes will automatically be reflected on your site where the javascript code is used. However, the javascript code is slightly less customizable then the raw HTML code. So if you want to edit the raw HTML code further, then the raw HTML code might be the option for you.

Step 15: Which ever version of the code you wish to use needs to be copy and pasted into your site's HTML source code. Once this is done, the subscription form will show on your site. Exact details on how to copy and paste code into your site's HTML source code is outside the scope of this document. It's slightly different for each user. If you're having problems with this step, the solution generally involves FTP, or some type of blog widget. I suggest contacting your web master (host) or try a web search for updating your web page HTML code.

Conclusion: We successfully located the List Wire subscription form creation tool. We filled out some settings and created a form. And we got the code for the form to be placed on our website. I hope this article helps get you started using List Wire to create subscription forms for your site. Best of luck. To your success!listwire

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How to Find Free Articles/content for My Blog.

How to Find Free Articles/content for My Blog.

 Welcome to my blog where you shall get new techniques that will turn your blog or website into another stream of income. 

Let get started...

What is a blog...?

A blog is like a website or a journal or a newsletter that are frequently updated, intended for a timely reading. Blogs usually provide commentary or news on a particular subject. A blog usually combines text, images, links to other blogs (such as RSS Feeds), Web pages and other Medias related to your topic.

Free Content For Your Blog...

Many new blogger today find it difficult to update their blog on a daily bases or run's out of ideas which can be frustrating in most time knowing fully well that for your blog to be ranked by search engine or to gain traffic/followers your blog needs to be updated frequently, what that means is you need content for your blog.

The question now is how do we get free content for your blog?

Many websites offer free articles and press releases for your blog or website. This site feature many free articles and content that you can copy, edit and paste into your blog.
In the mean time check out these sites:


1. Use your favorite search engine such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN, etc.
2. Enter the text in the field provided (Example: free articles for my blog, free blog articles, free content for my blog etc.).
3.After the search engine has finished populating the results, start with the first link.
4.If you do not find what you are looking for, select the back button and select the next link. Continue until you find what you need.
5.Once you've found the content you need, simply use the copy, Edit it by redefining the content and paste.
Please note this.
*. Use recommended sites.
*. Look for high traffic articles.
*. Find relative articles.
*. Read the license and user agreements before using any service.
*. Do not give out personal information unless required and you trust the site.

Your comment and observation is high welcome thanks.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blogging For Profit: (BFP 102)

Blogging For Profit: (BFP 102)
Do you want to make money blogging? If you do – you’re not alone. More and more bloggers are finding that blogging is a profitable venture. Be it in few extra dollars or making enough money to stop you from getting a part time job or getting it point where they are able to make a full time living from their blogging – there are tens of thousands of bloggers who make money blogging.
what about you?

In this page I want to share some information for beginners on how to make money blogging. For a very quick and broad visual intro – check out this Making Money Blog Mind Map which visualizes just SOME of the ways bloggers make money blogging.
#1 – keep in mind that every blog is unique on how it can make money. Some of the following streams of income will work on someblogs a lot better than others – the key fact is to experiment with as many as possible and see what works best for you.
The following are streams of income.
1. Continuity Programs. This is another newer category for me but one that continues to grow. A continuity program is a site where you earn a recurring income from people who subscribe to a service you offer. For me this includes two sites – and ThirdTribe Marketing.

Both programs are membership sites and generate monthly income from the thousands of members that they have as a part of them.
2. Private Ad Sales/Sponsorships Private ad sales directly to advertisers have fallen in the last year. This is partly due to a change in the economy as it is. Note that this area does vary a little from month to month depending upon the campaigns you’re asked to run – we’ve had a couple of months where it actually ranked #2 in the last year. This includes ad sales of the 125 x125 ads as well as a campaign or two at Digital Photography School .
3. Chitika Chitka continues to be a great performer for bloggers. They traditionally have worked best on product related blogs although their Premium ad units now convert well on a larger range of blogs. They do continue to perform well when you use them over and over again.
4. Amazon Associates. Amazon’s affiliate program has been one of the big movers. used to make a few odd dollars from it – how ever in recent times it has become a significant earner.
5. ProBlogger Job Boards The job boards here at ProBlogger continue to grow each month in the number of advertisements that are being bought. This enabled you to invest most of the money that they’d earned a while back into getting a new back end for the boards and to redesign them. These job boards now bring in over $1000 amonth in revenue which is pretty nice considering that they are so low maintenance to run. They also offer a service to readers and add value to the overall blog . The only problem that you can face with the job boards is that there are so many bloggers looking for work that the demand for jobs far exceeds the supply. On the good side of things is that advertisers are reporting getting amazing quality of applications.

Blogging For Profit: (BFP 101)

Blogging For Profit: (BFP 101)

Many people who blog this days simply want to share their passion about something. But then there are this set of business-minded individuals out there, who have found a way to maximize their blogs to bring in a little extra cash for themself.
If you're interested in this, pls sit back and relax for i will take you through a journey of five strategies that could turn your blog into an ATM MACHINE.
1. Selling advertisment.
This is likely the most common means of leveraging a blog to generate income. If it happens that your blog is well-known, or one that is well-received in a particular niche, it's always possible to sell ad space on your blog. For Big Blogs and services such as Google's AdSense or BlogAds, bloggers can establish ad programs.
AdSense's — which lets you select several ads that are consistent with the content of your blog — pays you based on how many readers click on the ads. it's free to set up.

BlogAds, on the other hand, hooks bloggers up with up coming advertisers and levies a commission in return for any ad placements.
2. Affiliate programs
Here is another click-through opportunity. Affiliate programs enable your blog to serve as a middle man between the readers and product. One of which is If, for instance, you offer book reviews or even just mention a book in passing in your blog , an affiliate program provides a means for your readers to click directly from your blog to Amazon to obtain further information about the book. If they bring out the checkbook or credit card, you get paid as well.
3. Solicit contributions.
Not every blog earnings involves hawking goods or services. Ask for contributions. If, for instance, your small-business blog supports a cause or issue in some fashion —say you repeatedly mention tax reform, health care or some other topic — you can always ask for reader support. Even if you've attracted a group of regular followers who simply enjoy reading what you have to say, they may be willing to underwrite their loyalty with a little financial help. Programs such as PayPal, liberty reserve, payza make it easy to establish a simple on-site contribution collection button.
4. Sell your services in your blog.
Many people associate blogs exclusively with a cyberspace-based soapbox — a place to post your opinions, an ideal place to share your thoughts with others, but don't over look the capacity to generate new business ideas as well. what you may be able to offer to your client or customer who may be reading your blog can spread your opinion and your business motive at the same time. "Instead of short commentaries that begin a dialogue with readers, as many blogs do you could over to do a service or sell your product (e-book).

5. Customer relations.
Not all marketing material inserted in blog content have to be limited to bringing in completely new business. By using a blog to regularly communicate with existing clients as well as other readers, you can take advantage of the opportunity to fully inform them about everything your business does. That may expand your readers' understanding of the full scope of your products or services.

To be continue......

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The 5 Top Tips on How to Write an Excellent Blog.

The 5 Top Tips on How to Write an Excellent Blog.
An Excellent posts are the back bone of any blog and how well a blog will survive in the face of competition depends mainly on the quality of the content that it has.
There will be huge traffic to any blog, when such blog has offered a well written post. There are some factors you need to consider when writing your post. A well composed post is not just about the quality of the content; it’s far more than that.Format, design and post layout also play an important role.
Listed below are the 5 top tips of high importance
1. Plan, Research and Gather Data
Before writing a blog post, there must be proper planning and research on the intended topic, after identifying the topic, research and gather as many data as possible, read articles from different authors, relate multimedia images and videos. Proper researching will help you in creating a well crafted, perfect and highly informative blog post.
2. Pick a perfect post title(Headline)
Your post title is the only thing that people see in search engines, it is the post title that appears in search engines results, social media sites, RSS feeds and others, it must draw readers’ attention, otherwise, all the time and efforts that you have invested on the content of your blog will be of no use.
3. Make a list of points and make them perfectly clear
Your post formatting and organization is very important. Your blog should start with an introduction that will cover the important questions that lies in the heart of the readers and let them know that you are up to the task, what they stand to gain in your blog, let them have the feel that they are in the right place and that you have answers to whatever question they may want answers to. Stay on the topic, do not deviate. Make your blogpost on point.
1. Add multimedia
A single image they say is worth a thousand words. Chart, graph,snapshot, diagram or an image will further clarify the content of your post. If you include an image at the start of your post,this gives your readers an insight into what they are about to read. Mind you, too much or unnecessary image in a post will affect your blog layout, it may piss off your reader and eventually affect your traffic.
1. Call to action
At the end of every post, it is always advisable to drive your readers to perform an action, tell them to subscribe to your blog, let them you know how valuable their comment is.
Your own opinion is welcome
All the points listed above are based on my knowledge and I am sure I am still learning, your suggestions and additional points will be appreciated. Help us increase the list, drop yours in the comment box below. Thank you.

“How do I create the perfect blogpost?”

“How do I create the perfect blogpost?”
A question in the mind of every blogger.

#1 Headline.
Your title is the first thing people see in their blog readers and it may very well determine whether somebody will read your post or not. Headlines can be painful to write — it’s like ads copy. It has to be short and impactful. It like trying to summarize a 300 hundred pages book in a single sentence, it like an action word that grabs attention.
2. Offer an originality (personal view).

The only way to differentiate yourself as a blogger. Is to Challenge yourself to write a post that ONLY you could write. It could be a discovery, a victory, a disappointment. It is unique every time.
3.Beliving in yourself.

When you are creating a work for the world to see, it is frightening to be imperfect. And yet, how can you be original WITHOUT being imperfect? The best bloggers are real. Human, Less cautious than the average author.

4. Don’t just write, re-write. People will spend more time with you if they enjoy your writing. A blogger can’t hit it out of the park every time,but when they do, it’s probably because they found a way to make the words sing. A trick — read your post aloud to see if it has a natural, conversational tone.
5. Entertain me.
“Entertainment value” is not a phrase commonly used in business classes or journalism schools. And yet with the cacophony of voices vying for your attention, isn’t entertainment paramount today? If you create a post with
1) a captivating headline,
2) a unique personal view
3) an entertaining spin taught.
5) words that sing, won’t that be a joy to read? Of course it would be because you’ve crafted a perfect blog post!
What do you enjoy about your favorite blogs and bloggers? I would love to hear about what makes a post memorable for you…

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

5 key benefits for a successful blog.

5 key benefits for a successful blog.

Blogging was introduced as a space for writing your thoughts;it was much like a diary. But some creative people found something else to do with it.
Blogging has been a revolution since the day it started. Although, like everything, people did not accepted it wholeheartedly but slowly it made its way and today, blogging has made a name for itself. It has become so relevant that many people are living on blogging i.e. their only source of lively hood.
Many have got their stories published in leading newspapers and some had found internal satisfaction. But still, people are unaware of the advantages and benefit attached to blogging.

5 key benefits for a successful blog.

Benefit #1 Money.
Many bloggers do not accept this but they are blogging for money and it’s true that blogging can get you big money, full time job and earning income in 4-6 figures per month(in dollars). And there is nodoubt about the money involved in this profession. But it requires extra hard work and dedication for 1-2 years if you want to be a full time blogger.
Well, with money, fame comes automatically. If you are earning more than enough from blogging, which is still considered a part time profession in India, Africa and the USD too, people will surely recognize you. Dollar has great impact on africa and if you are earning it through blogging, you are sure to get noticed. This may also include some local newspaper covering your blogging journey.
Blogging can increase your knowledge base up to a level that is beyond your widest dream. And it just does not include your niche; you gain knowledge about your blogging platform, its usage, the designing and template of the theme and other stuff. I found out about things I had no idea they existed, It now depends on you and your area of interest. But with regular blogging you will get information, ideas, that is for sure.
Blogging considers no boundaries. It does not matter whether you are from India or United States, Australia or Malaysia, Nigeria or Iran, you can get in touch with anyone without any problems. Every blogger is out there to help anyone who needs anything. I have been helped many times by those people whom I had never met. They never asked me for any details about me. We just had interaction through blogs and that was it. Blogging makes you meet lots of people around the world and you can make good friends here, both personally and professionally.
For a different group of people out there, blogging has been a source of satisfaction. They find blog an easy medium to write or express their grievances. Many people are blogging with some other name but readers do not know who they are. All they need is a blog to write and express thier thought. They don’t want money or fame but just satisfaction.
At The End…
Blogging has been awesome for me on some of the points above and some still needs to be achieved. And I have been working hard to see myself as a satisfied blogger who interacts with everyone, has good knowledge about blog and other small things and earns good money and fame.

Monday, February 18, 2013

The scientist and the farmer.

A scientist entered a train going to New york. His cabin also had a poor farmer in it. To pass the time, the scientist decided to play a game with his co-traveler. "i will ask you a question and if you get it wrong, you have to pay me one dollar. Then, you ask me a question, and if i get it wrong, you get 10 dollars. Ask me a question first. " The farmer, after a while asked, "what has three legs, takes 10 hours to climb a palm tree and 10 seconds to desend?" The scientist was confused and for long time, he could not answer the question. Finally, when they came to the station where they were to part, the scientist brought out 10 dollars and gave it to the farmer, saying, honestly, i don't know. But what has three legs, takes 10 hours to climb a palm tree and ten seconds to decend? The farmer after collecting the 10 dollars, replied, " i don't know either. "He then removed one dollar from the money and gave it to the scientist, who felt so bad that the farmer had swindled him.

How To Get A World-Wide Accepted Visa Prepaid Card For Your Online Transactions In Nigeria.

How To Get A World-Wide
Accepted Visa Prepaid
Card For Your Online
Transactions In Nigeria.
The Visa Card am talking of is issued to you by a company known as
Global Technology Partners ( GTP Limited), they are foreign based but
they are now in Nigeria, you can take a look at their website This Card is known as Afri-Card
This GTP Limited has affiliated with United Bank for Africa (UBA) to
enable Nigerians get this card no matter where you are living in
Nigeria, as long as there is a UBA Bank in your area, you can get this
card because GTP Limited has Agents in every UBA Bank in Nigeria.
You also Fund this card at UBA Bank Nationwide, you don’t need to
be in the long queue that is always in every UBA Bank as you will be
directed to an officer who funds the card for you and you get
instant alert, the card number is the same as your account number.
These UBA Africard has 2 types which is Non-Personalized Card and
Personalized Card.
Let me explain them.
Non-Personalized : This card does not have your name or any other
name on the surface but is duly registered in your name and this
card is issued to you instantly on the same day of application for a
fee of N500 only.
This is the card that am using.
Personalized: This card has your name written on the surface of
the card and takes 3days from the day of issuing to get it; the fee
for this card is N750.
Documents Required:
just an Identity Card which ranges from National ID Card, Driver’s
License or International Passport and a Nepa Bill with 2 Passport
Photographs. In some cases depending on the bank you went to they
might not request the Nepa Bill but is advised that you go with it
incase they request it so that you wont start running around.
After getting all the requirements, just walk into any UBA Bank
close to you, meet the customer care and tell them that you want
to get an Afri-Card; UBA doesn’t require you to have an account
with them for you to get the card. In some cases they might decide
to make money out of you and request that you get an account with
them, refuse and tell them you called their headquarters before
coming and that your were plainly told that you don’t need an
account with them to get the card. You can read more on this at
their website
You will be asked if its personalized or non-personalized, tell them
the one you need, both personalized and Non Personalized works
You will be given a form to fill, fill the form there and submit itto
them, then wait for the card to be issued to you instantly if you
choosed non personalized, but in the case that you choosed
personalized, you will have to wait 3Days before going back to
collect the card.
Once you get the card, tell the ATM operator to help you activate
it, you just peel off the ATM PINseal.
On the top area you will get the ATM Pin for withdrawal, just
change it to activate it.
Then on the below, you will getthe Internet Access Pin, all you
need to do is after changing the ATM Pin the ATM Machine, you will
need to create a username andchange the pin for the internet
Just go to %
Then enter your card number and they internet access pin, once
entered click the login button, after some seconds, you will be
asked to choose a username and password for logging in to online
card access, just follow the instructions on the page and change the
login details.
NOTE: All Transaction on the card will show on your online card
account statement and will be also communicated to you via sms
alert, make sure you fill in yourcorrect email address when filling
the application form at the bank.

If you have any issue you don’t understand email me on
or ask their customer care service
In case you are not given a reliable answer, demand to speak to the
Manager in charge of the Bank and be bold in talking to them
because without you there won’t be them.

Your blog and social media.

online blog could be packed with brilliant and useful ideas but it will have no effect if it has an follower.
Two easy and more importantly FREE ways you can promote your blog online.
Automatically publish your blog posts to social media.
Let your social media followers know you have a new blog post by publishing a brief notice and the url on the major social networks like, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can post manually to your social networks or you can install some WordPressplugins or Facebook applications that update your networks automatically.
This third party service like Twitterfeed. Twitterfeed uses your blog’s RSS feed to identify new blog posts and then publishes a notice to your networks. You can set it up once for Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn and then forget it! It does all the work for you!
The second is Pinging
Pinging, in blog terms, is a push mechanic that notifies servers when content has been updated. These servers then publish a list of blogs that have new content. WordPress has a built in Ping feature that will automatically ping services when you publish or edit a blog post.
There are two big issues with the built in ping feature – #1 the default list of ping services is insufficient (a typical WordPress install just has a couple services set up) and #2 we don’t want to ping the services when we edit a post. If we send a ping every time we edit a post (especially if we do it multiple times) we run the risk of being blocked as a spammer. No Good!
I recommend that you install This plugin prevents WordPress from pinging services when you EDIT a post. It only pings when a new post is published. This will help prevent your blog from being blocked by the various pinging services. Be sure to update your pinglist. Just a quick note – Sometime people worry because their tweets or Facebook posts do not happen instantly. There is usually a small delay between when you publish the post and when the notification appears on the social networks – this is completely normal.
Don’t wait around hoping visitors will find your website and blog – take action and start actively promoting your blogging brilliantly!

newbies affiliate marketing guide 101

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's own marketing efforts. The industry has four core players: the merchant (also known as 'retailer' or 'brand'), the network (that contains offers for the affiliate to choose from and also takes care of the payments), the publisher (also known as 'the affiliate'), and the customer. The market has grown in complexity to warrant a secondary tier of players, including affiliate management agencies, super-affiliates and specialized third party vendors .
Affiliate marketing overlaps with other Internet marketing methods to some degree, because affiliates often use regular advertising methods. Those methods include organic search engine optimization (SEO), paid search engine marketing (PPC)
Pay-per-call (also called Cost-per-Call ) is a Performance-based advertising model and compensation method . Pay-per-Call is similar to online Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising. However, with Pay-per-Call instead of paying a fee per Click , the merchant pays the service provider a fee per Call for connecting the consumer to the advertised number. Pay-per-Call advertising was first introduced in the US around September 2004 and registered as a Trade Mark in 2005. Voice-contact is particularly-suited to local businesses, and to high-value and consultative purchases, where customers wish to talk to vendors before committing to buy. Given the high rate of reported click fraud , Pay-per-call is believed to be a better solution to connect potential customers to advertisers.

Online advertising, also known as online advertisement, internet marketing , online marketing or e-marketing, is the marketing and promotion of products or services over the Internet.
Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web to deliver marketing messages to larger audience.
Examples of online advertising(google,yahoo) include contextual ads on search engine results pages, banner ads, blogs,(wordpress, blogger) rich media ads, social network advertising (facebook,twitter) interstitial ads , online classified advertising , advertising networks, dynamic banner ads, cross-platform ads and e-mail marketing , including e-mail spam . Many of these types of ads are delivered by an ad server .

E-mail marketing , content marketing and in some sense display advertising . On the other hand, affiliates sometimes use less orthodox techniques, such as publishing reviews of products or services offered by a partner.
Affiliate marketing is commonly confused with referral marketing , as both forms of marketing use third parties to drive sales to there tailer. However, both are distinct forms of marketing and the main difference between them is that affiliate marketing relies purely on financial motivations to drive sales while referral marketing relies on trust and personal relationships to drive sales.
Affiliate marketing is frequently overlooked by advertisers. While search engines , e-mail, and website syndication capture much of the attention of online retailers, affiliate marketing carries a much lower profile. Still, affiliates continue to play a significant role in e-retailers' marketing strategies. Check out this link and see what am talking about. Get the best, most in-demand merchandise for FAR less than retail at Pricebenders penny auctions.
Learn more at:

Your business with fiverr

Fiverr to Grow Your Business and Get More Traffic to Your Site
You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars trying to grow your business. You can hire people to do many of the jobs you need for just $5. Yes, $5.
Fiverr is a microjobs site that provides a platform for writers, artists, and others willing to do odd jobs for only $5.
What does that have to do with your business? For the price of a bottle of coke, you can outsource jobs like getting thousands of fans for your social profiles, content for your blog, or even a logo for your site.
Here are just a few of the ways you can use Fiverr to grow your business and drive more traffic to your site:
Brand Promotion
Getting your brand in front of as many people as possible is one of the best ways to grow the reach of your business. Active bloggers and social media personalities postbids on Fiverr to share information about your business or product with their large numbers of followers. This can include a Facebook post, a tweet,a link on a blog, or even a contest promoting your product.
These sponsorships can grow awareness for your brand and drive more traffic back to your site, helping you to grow a stronger reader base or opt-in e-mail list.
you can make your page appear a bit more popular until you can grow the fans organically. Most fans or followers you purchase on Fiverr will not be from real people, so they will only help with appearances, not conversions.
Fiverr offers many more opportunities for you to outsource work for your blog that can help you get more traffic and grow your reader base. Not only does it allow you to perform these jobs quickly, butit also allows you to do it on a budget.

Friday, February 15, 2013

What do understand by blogging?

What do understand by blogging?

A blog is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts")

Blogs have been around for about 10 years. The word stands for 'web log' and they're effectively online diaries. Anyone can set one up, that's the easy part. Thinking of something interesting to say each time you blog is the tricky bit.


Assuming you don't understand or want to learn about writing websites in code, you're probably best off looking at one of the sites that offers free blogging. A couple of the more popular are WordPress, LiveJournal and Blogger. Others are available.


Both of these will offer you a free blog site with its own address – so it becomes, for example, This is the address you give friends who might want to take a look.

Example of a blog

Before we get to the office, you need to think about why you want a blog in the first place and how often you're going to put an entry up in your blog.


Is it for a small business? People won't thank you if it's just going to be one long sales pitch.

Is it for a club or society? Great, but do the members want to contact you online? Or is it a personal thing? In any case, how often will you be blogging and can you be sure to have something to say each time you post an entry?

Step By Step Guide on how to UPDATE your blog with MS-Word 2007.

Step By Step Guide, on how to UPDATE your blog with MS-Word 2007.


Open your MS-word.

Click on office button (at the top of the page)

Navigate down to were see publish

Click on blog

a page pops-up Register a blog account

Click on register now,

Go down to were you see choose your blog provider select WORDPRESS

Click on next

A page pops-up new wordpress account. Blog post URL:

User name: username or email address

Password: (*******)

Click OK

A page pops up

Microsoft office word

Account Registration successful

Click OK

It takes you back to ms-word page

Were you see

[Enter Post Title Here]

Type your text/message/info/what ever you want to type and Publish.

That simple I hope this little information helps


Step By Step Guide on how to UPDATE your blog with MS-Word 2007.

Step By Step Guide, on how to UPDATE your blog with MS-Word 2007.


Open your MS-word.

Click on office button (at the top of the page)

Navigate down to were see publish

Click on blog

a page pops-up Register a blog account

Click on register now,

Go down to were you see choose your blog provider select WORDPRESS

Click on next

A page pops-up new wordpress account. Blog post URL:

User name: username or email address

Password: (*******)

Click OK

A page pops up

Microsoft office word

Account Registration successful

Click OK

It takes you back to ms-word page

Were you see

[Enter Post Title Here]

Type your text/message/info/what ever you want to type and Publish.

That simple I hope this little information helps


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

7 reasons to hire a freelance affiliate program manager rather than train an in-house affiliate manager

7 reasons to hire a freelance affiliate program manager rather than train an in-house affiliate manager
Posted by julian_mills Published in Articles on Affiliate Marketing by Julian Mills

If you are a merchant looking to launch an affiliate program or revitalise an existing program then the biggest consideration is who is going to manage the program. It is easy to underestimate the amount of time required to manage and develop a successful affiliate program. A common error merchants make is believing that it is simply a case of setting up the program and putting a link to it on the home page of the main website -then wait for affiliates will flock to promote your product -nothing could be further from the truth. To give your program the best chance of success requires an affiliate manager – either in-house or freelance to take ownership and develop the affiliate program.

Below are 7 reasons why it makes sense to hire an external freelance affiliate manager as opposed to training an in-house member of staff.

1 A freelance affiliate manager already has experience of setting up and managing programs. There is no training and learning required.

2 The work may not be a full time job and so not require a dedicated member of staff. A freelance affiliate manage can accommodate this in their schedule.

3 An in-house member of staff may have other duties which are priority -so the affiliate program does not receive the attention it requires.

4 Does your in-house staff member have all the required skills? Affiliate managers have to be an online ‘jack of all trades’. They have to be confident selling and promoting your affiliate program to prospective affiliates. A mentor – encourage affiliates to promote your offer and to increase sales. They have to be technically competent – working with HTML code, graphics, affiliate network applications, results analysis for example.

5 An affiliate manager needs to have industry contacts. An external freelance affiliate manager is networking within the affiliate marketing community day in day out.

6 Affiliate management is a self contained role that can be outsourced easily. Clients can keep in contact with a freelance affiliate manager with regular meetings and phone calls. A freelance affiliate manager is independent and does not require micro management.

7 A freelance affiliate managers’ results are easily measured and performance can be rewarded with a commission structure.

At the end of the day each merchant has a different set of requirements and it depends on the situation and for the merchant to decide which route to pursue.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Affiliate Marketing 001: Understanding the Basics

That’s pretty much how affiliatemarketing works. Through these online programs, you sign on with a partner that markets your product or service, often through a link or banner ad you place on their website. The affiliate then gets a commission based on sales, visits, or customers that result from thoseefforts. It’s the ultimate in pay for performance. “An affiliate partner will do a lot of the marketing for you. And you only owe money if they provide the outcome you want,” says Marty Fahncke, president of FawnKey & Associates, a consulting firm with expertise in affiliate marketing.
At the same time, successful affiliate marketing requires understanding some basics. Here’swhat you should know:
Evaluate your affiliate marketing channels
Your affiliate can be anything from a website or enewsletter toa shopping portal, to name a few.Fahncke points to one client, a small business selling sunglasses, as a case in point. Perhaps their most successful affiliate is a website devoted to bicycling, which recently included an article about the product and a link to their site. The company pays the affiliate a 20% commission on sales. At the same time, however,the firm uses a variety of other affiliates. The bottom line: “You want a good mix of different types of channels,” says Fahncke.
How many? There’s no magic number. You can make money with perhaps twenty, or in some cases, thousands. It all depends on the quality of the partner. Forexample, three or four effective affiliates that specialize in search engine optimization can provide you with as much business as hundreds of mediocre websites, especially if they’re not quite theright fit for your product and demographic.
Scrutinize the affiliate marketing commission
Commissions run the gamut, from 3% to as much as 90%, although the average is around 15% to 20%, according to Fahncke. The amount depends on a variety of factors. High volume products, forexample, tend to command lower rates. At the same time, you get what you pay for. Take Steven Rothberg, president of a career site for college students and recent graduates. He pays about 50% more than many other companies in order to attract thebest affiliates possible. About 10%of his revenues come from his affiliate marketing program.
Focus on recruitment and retention
Recruiting high-quality affiliates isone of the toughest parts. While there are lots of choices out there, finding the right partners, getting their attention and negotiating the final details take time - as long as a year in many cases. How to find them? One possibility is to sign on with an affiliate marketing network like Commission Junction. Almost all of affiliates, for example, have resulted from its relationship with the network,through a program in which interested affiliates that are a good fit automatically become partners. Another tack: Shawn Collins, co-author of Successful Affiliate Marketing for Merchants (Que, 2001) uses software to determine which affiliates his clients’ competition is using. Then he targets them with phone calls and direct mail.
That’s only the first step. Just because you’ve signed a deal withan affiliate doesn’t mean it will letyou go live. To make sure you are“activated”, as Collins puts it, youalso need to work constantly at staying top of mind. For example, he will send the top twenty affiliates for each client gifts, andcall them at least once a month.
Decide if you’d prefer two tier affiliations
Somewhat like the classic Mary Kay-style Multi-Level Marketing arrangements, these affiliates use a referral network to generate more sales for the company and commissions for themselves. An affiliate that is working with a particular company’s program will attract other partners to join up. It, then, receives commissions from any activity those newer affiliates generate. The system ensures more income for partners throughout the chain and greater visibility for the smallbusiness. Plus, “It saves time if you can’t do your own recruiting,” says Collins.
Find the right affiliatesolution provider
You need a method for tracking traffic, sales and payments. Thereare two ways to go about it. Oneis to install software in-house anddo it yourself. That can be a big job, however, especially if you’re short-handed. The other is to hire a third party to provide the technology and customer supportneeded to facilitate the transaction. You’ll pay a percentage of your affiliate’s commission to the firm.
Watch out for fraud and spam
There are a variety of scams outthere, so be careful. One common type works this way: An affiliate earns a commission on an order that they actually place themselves, after which they return the product. Says Fahncke: “The merchant ends up paying a commission on a productthey didn’t really sell.” As for spam, you can be held legally responsible for the actions of your affiliates that send out junkmail on your behalf.

Affiliate Marketing 001: Understanding the Basics

That’s pretty much how affiliatemarketing works. Through these online programs, you sign on with a partner that markets your product or service, often through a link or banner ad you place on their website. The affiliate then gets a commission based on sales, visits, or customers that result from thoseefforts. It’s the ultimate in pay for performance. “An affiliate partner will do a lot of the marketing for you. And you only owe money if they provide the outcome you want,” says Marty Fahncke, president of FawnKey & Associates, a consulting firm with expertise in affiliate marketing.
At the same time, successful affiliate marketing requires understanding some basics. Here’swhat you should know:
Evaluate your affiliate marketing channels
Your affiliate can be anything from a website or enewsletter toa shopping portal, to name a few.Fahncke points to one client, a small business selling sunglasses, as a case in point. Perhaps their most successful affiliate is a website devoted to bicycling, which recently included an article about the product and a link to their site. The company pays the affiliate a 20% commission on sales. At the same time, however,the firm uses a variety of other affiliates. The bottom line: “You want a good mix of different types of channels,” says Fahncke.
How many? There’s no magic number. You can make money with perhaps twenty, or in some cases, thousands. It all depends on the quality of the partner. Forexample, three or four effective affiliates that specialize in search engine optimization can provide you with as much business as hundreds of mediocre websites, especially if they’re not quite theright fit for your product and demographic.
Scrutinize the affiliate marketing commission
Commissions run the gamut, from 3% to as much as 90%, although the average is around 15% to 20%, according to Fahncke. The amount depends on a variety of factors. High volume products, forexample, tend to command lower rates. At the same time, you get what you pay for. Take Steven Rothberg, president of a career site for college students and recent graduates. He pays about 50% more than many other companies in order to attract thebest affiliates possible. About 10%of his revenues come from his affiliate marketing program.
Focus on recruitment and retention
Recruiting high-quality affiliates isone of the toughest parts. While there are lots of choices out there, finding the right partners, getting their attention and negotiating the final details take time - as long as a year in many cases. How to find them? One possibility is to sign on with an affiliate marketing network like Commission Junction. Almost all of affiliates, for example, have resulted from its relationship with the network,through a program in which interested affiliates that are a good fit automatically become partners. Another tack: Shawn Collins, co-author of Successful Affiliate Marketing for Merchants (Que, 2001) uses software to determine which affiliates his clients’ competition is using. Then he targets them with phone calls and direct mail.
That’s only the first step. Just because you’ve signed a deal withan affiliate doesn’t mean it will letyou go live. To make sure you are“activated”, as Collins puts it, youalso need to work constantly at staying top of mind. For example, he will send the top twenty affiliates for each client gifts, andcall them at least once a month.
Decide if you’d prefer two tier affiliations
Somewhat like the classic Mary Kay-style Multi-Level Marketing arrangements, these affiliates use a referral network to generate more sales for the company and commissions for themselves. An affiliate that is working with a particular company’s program will attract other partners to join up. It, then, receives commissions from any activity those newer affiliates generate. The system ensures more income for partners throughout the chain and greater visibility for the smallbusiness. Plus, “It saves time if you can’t do your own recruiting,” says Collins.
Find the right affiliatesolution provider
You need a method for tracking traffic, sales and payments. Thereare two ways to go about it. Oneis to install software in-house anddo it yourself. That can be a big job, however, especially if you’re short-handed. The other is to hire a third party to provide the technology and customer supportneeded to facilitate the transaction. You’ll pay a percentage of your affiliate’s commission to the firm.
Watch out for fraud and spam
There are a variety of scams outthere, so be careful. One common type works this way: An affiliate earns a commission on an order that they actually place themselves, after which they return the product. Says Fahncke: “The merchant ends up paying a commission on a productthey didn’t really sell.” As for spam, you can be held legally responsible for the actions of your affiliates that send out junkmail on your behalf.