Friday, August 16, 2013


How do I create a subscription form for my site?  
This document covers the basics of setting up a new List Wire subscription form. This might look like a lot of steps, but it actually very simple, and I'm just being hyper detailed about my explanation. Note that after each step you may need to wait for the next page to load.

Also note that each field name on the page can be clicked to open a help box directly on the page that will give you details the setting.

Lets get started...listwire

Step 1: Follow 'prospects->subscription form' from the main menu at the top of the page. This can be done by hovering your mouse over the 'prospects' tab in the menu and then following the mouse so it hovers over 'subscription form'.

Step 2: Locate and click 'Click here to add a web form'

Step 3: Take a brief moment to know what you're looking at. You'll notice a form on the page with some settings and two tabs (options and content). This is a dynamic form and will change slightly based on the options you pick. However, we'll go over the basics below.

Step 4: Fill in the 'Form Name' setting. This can be anything you wish, and is not seen by others. This is only for you to identify your form later for editing. If this field is left blank, then it will default to 'No name'.

Step 5: Select a 'Form Type'. For the purposes of this tutorial, we're going to focus on the 'Inline' form type. This means we're going to create a form that is placed directly into your web page. Note however, that there are several options here. Each has slightly different options to be set. However, all of them follow the same basics as the 'Inline' form.

REMEMBER: We're using the form type 'Inline' for this example. If you selected a different form type, the next steps will likely be slightly different.listwire
Step 6: Fill in the 'Form Redirect URL' setting. This is the URL (link) of where a prospect filling out your form will be redirected to after they successfully fill out your form. This can be any URL your wish. However, we recommend you use a simple "Thank You" page that confirms what the prospect just did (Fill out your subscription form). Make sure you place the 'http://' before your URL. This setting is required, and if it's failed to be filled in, the subscription form will error and not let you continue.

Step 7: Fill in the 'Tracking Code' setting. This field allows you to set an option tracking code that may be helpful in determining where new subscribers are coming from in the event that you are accepting subscriptions to one autoresponder, from multiple locations. For example, if you have a subscription form on your website's home page, and a different subscription form on your website's blog, you could set the tracking value of one to "home" and the other to 'blog' to determine which page is generating more subscriptions. This field can be any word or number set you wish.

Step 8: You might notice that there are a couple (or several) other settings on this page. For the purposes of this tutorial we're going to skip these, as they are specific to the type of form you're looking to create. We have '(recommended)' values for these settings, and in most cases those settings should be what you're looking to do. Remember you can click the field name to get more information about these settings.

Step 9: Locate the 'Next Step' button. This will bring your the the 'Content' tab and will allow you to edit how your form will look.

Step 10: The 'content' tab will allow you to customize the look of your form. This is a simple editor that will allow you to manipulate your form without having to know any HTML. A basic form is already setup for you by default. This is the form we're going to use. If you wish to change the form you can do so now if you wish. The editor will let you dynamically switch positions of inputs, add or remove inputs. Edit top and bottom text. And many other things. The idea is to get a form that matches the look and feel of your site.

Step 11: Locate the 'Live Preview' section. Click the link to view your subscription form. This will pop up a box and show you exactly how your form will look when viewed by your subscribers.

Step 12: Locate and click 'Save my Form'. This will save the settings you've made thus far. You're almost done!

Step 13: If there were no errors you'll be directed to a list of created subscription forms. If this is your first form (and it probably is) you should notice one entry under 'Subscription Form Name'. This should be the same form name as you defined in Step 4. Take a second to notice the 'Subscription Form Actions' in this list. These actions will apply the action clicked to the form.

Step 14: Locate and click 'get code' from the 'Subscription Form Actions' column. This will popup a box that will show you the HTML code needed to put this subscription form on your web site. There will be two boxes of code in this popup. One is a javascript version, and the other is the raw HTML version. Both versions will create the same subscription form and only one need be used on your site. Both version have pros and cons. The advantage of the javascript version is that if you edit your form in our editor, changes will automatically be reflected on your site where the javascript code is used. However, the javascript code is slightly less customizable then the raw HTML code. So if you want to edit the raw HTML code further, then the raw HTML code might be the option for you.

Step 15: Which ever version of the code you wish to use needs to be copy and pasted into your site's HTML source code. Once this is done, the subscription form will show on your site. Exact details on how to copy and paste code into your site's HTML source code is outside the scope of this document. It's slightly different for each user. If you're having problems with this step, the solution generally involves FTP, or some type of blog widget. I suggest contacting your web master (host) or try a web search for updating your web page HTML code.

Conclusion: We successfully located the List Wire subscription form creation tool. We filled out some settings and created a form. And we got the code for the form to be placed on our website. I hope this article helps get you started using List Wire to create subscription forms for your site. Best of luck. To your success!listwire