The key to making more money each month is to earn more money than you spend. This may sound obvious, but most Americans spend more money than they take in. And this is even in the good times.
Now that the economy is worsening, the problem of debt is only going to get worse. And more Americans are going to get further away from their financial goals and dreams. How then can you make more money each month?
Get Out of Debt
The first step in making more money is to stop wasting the money that you currently earn. That means you must draw the line on debt. Sit down with a financial counselor, if possible, to go over your situation. You need to set up a monthly spending plan, in which you put the credit cards aside. Stop digging yourself a deeper hole. No more debt.
If you're so deep into debt that you can't even breathe, then you may need help. Talk with a credit counseling agency or contact your creditors directly to work out a modified payment plan. But you must stop debt
Free Money Making Ideas
The second thing to do is write down your financial goals. What is it that you need the extra money for? Be specific. Write the reasons down. Then visualize them. And keep that vision right in front of you at all times. Start working toward that
Once you've clearly identified your financial goals, it's time to push forward. How can you increase your monthly income? Here are some free money making ideas, to help you get started:
Telecommute, car pool, and/or look for ways to save money on gas.
Offer to mow lawns, rake leaves, and/or shovel snow for those living in your neighborhood (and in the surrounding neighborhoods - time permitting). Distribute flyers to advertise your services.
Offer to baby sit, elder sit, or house sit for your neighborhood. Distribute flyers to advertise your availability.
Contact your local newspaper to see if they pay for freelance reporting. Offer to cover local events, such as sporting events, for a fee.
Offer to your friends, neighbors, fellow church-goers, etc. your services in auctioning stuff they want to sell on eBay. Some people are still unsure about how to sell things online and are uncomfortable with auction sites like eBay. You can step in, offer to do it for them, for a portion of the profits.
Bake cookies and/or pastries and sell at area office buildings.
Start a community online newsletter. You'll need to spend some money and invest some time up-front, but once you get 1,000 or more subscribers in your neighorhood or residential area, you could then sell advertising to local businesses. And an email newsletter is cheap to produce. You just need a good autoresponder service.
Start your own Internet-based information marketing business.
Are you willing or able to become a clown, balloon artist, juggler, or performer? If so, you could entertain at kids' birthday parties, church events, etc. or offer your services as a birthday delivery person.
Can you teach? If you know something that other people want to know, then maybe you could teach at a local community college or offer public seminars - or even teleconferences.
The above money making ideas should get you started toward making extra monthly cash. Some of them should help you make money fast. The more money you make, the faster you can get out of debt, build up your savings, and reach your financial goals.
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